It has some how reached that time of the school term when classes cease to allow students to cram as much stuff into our little noggins a possible before we have to spew our knowledge forth onto sheets of blank paper in a two hour time limit. Being on the semester system for the first time in my collegiate career has lessened the intensity of academics compared to the constant onslaught on the quarter system. There is a month long examination period here in NZ, and it just so happens that my exams have all fallen in the last possible week. So, what does that mean? It means that I have been enjoying the "break" part of my "study break."
Obviously one does not study abroad to sit in a lecture theater watching power point slides all day. So, I have been actively supplementing my university education with some "cultural immersion" within NZ with some of my extra time.
I took in another (colder!) rugby game.
I participated in my dorm's game of assasin and had to wear my clothes inside out and paint my face like a clown for some of the daily immunities.
I decided that I could definately not just spend my time studying and have been making a very low (and I mean like $10) budget New Zealand zombie movie with some of my kiwi friends (and that is a picture of my first attempt at a fake zombie bite wound).
A couple of friends and I even decided to embark on a random road trip--heading South to the Coromandel Peninsula for some fun beach exploring and cold and damp camping. I even ventured to a near by town to carve my own necklace out of bone.
And while these events have not directly contributed to my university learning as much as reading about enamel hypoplasia might, they have still taught me important lessons. Waking up with wet feet in a sleeping bag = not fun. Walking to classes, sitting in class, and attending discussions with your TA/ tutors in clown make-up = ample fun. Beaches = fun no matter what the season is. When you get a hotdog in NZ, you will get a corn dog unless you specifically ask for an "American hotdog." Found that out at the rugby match.
Anyway, I guess with the time slowly dwindling away, I best get on the studying bandwagon, with copious amounts of study breaks/ zombie scene filming in between!
NZ is the best! I mean they understand that corndogs are the way to go case & point