Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well, now the nitty gritty of school has started.... bleh! But, I am amused by the ridiculously small mini bananas they have in New Zealand! I do not know what their official name is (if anything other than a banana), but I personally think the name of bananette is fitting. Here I have taken a couple of pictures with an address book and a pen to show you the wonders of the tiny banana!


  1. bananette is very suitable I think. Although I dislike eating them, I am sure I would find them quite hilarious. We sent Leviathan off to be printed today!

  2. Those look delish and I would love to make my signature Banilla Milkshakes with them!

  3. perhaps the time warp condensed them?

  4. hmmm... yea for leviathan! probably to the time warp condensing. and rose, I COMMAND you to come over and make me a mutant banilla milkshake!!!! Do it!!!!! I am practically right next store to you!

  5. OK, so I was indulging in a bit of facebook stalking and I found your blog! Which I like very much, by the way.
    And they are called bobby bananas.
    There, that's me being helpful.

  6. Also, seeing as my profile is apparently unviewable and I have deleted my blog anyway, I had better tell you this is Kelsy (of the ice storms and cassowary stories).
